Nowadays to be a successful company you must be a global company. What this means is that you can't only direct all your products towards only one country. You must be world renowned and sell your products everywhere. The more global a company is usually determines how much revenue they do throughout the year. In the more recent years Burberry has put in hard work to become a more and more Global company. They have catered to the needs of the countries that they sell their products to.
Burberry employs about 11,000 staff in 31 countries an have about 15 million followers combined on their twitter and Facebook account. Burberry also has stores in 8 different countries as well.
An example of how Burberry is becoming a more global company is that since in Asia the body structure of their country is different to the U.S. and London they created for them two new lines. These lines are called:

- Burberry Black label- Mens line selling everything from shirts,suits, trench coats to accessories.
- Burberry Blue label- A ladies line that directs towards the hip and trendy girl.

Burberries CEO Angela Ahrendts has really improved the company in becoming a more global brand. She has done this with digital and traditional platforms. The newly revised website lets you view the burberry collection in a 360 degree view. They are reaching to their company in High tech and innovative ways. This shows they are global because the world nowadays is becoming filled with technology digital things.

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